This week marks men's health week, a week to take time to bring awareness to health issues amongst men and what can be done to combat them. This year the focus is on mental health and channeling that ‘can do’ attitude! As a business we want to highlight what can be done to help increase awareness towards men and their health.
Exercise and health go hand in hand- it makes sense that exercise helps our physical and mental well being. It can be hard to push yourself to do something, however once you start you will feel so much better...Plus it gives brilliant reasoning to have chocolate as a post work out snack! We are working with David Lloyds clubs to supply our chocolate across their gyms for a post workout treat.
Eat Healthy
As much as we would love to tell you to eat chocolate all day everyday to help with your health, sadly that won’t work in this case! Obviously, it is important to get a bit of a treat throughout your diet, but all in moderation. If you want a better for you chocolate we suggest trying our 1% sugar, immunity or enchanted forest range; each with their own health benefits.
Connect with others
Making sure we speak to others can help our health just as much as any form of exercise! Unfortunately, men's mental health has taken a hit throughout the pandemic and the isolation of lockdown has led to people feeling lonely, making it more important than ever to reach out to people around us. Whether this is face to face, a phone call or through social media it is so important we take time to connect to one another.
Help others
Doing something for others can help you just as much as it will for them! We recommend sharing some chocolate with a friend (...not that we are biased!). But in all seriousness, helping others from making them their favourite meal to just opening up a conversation can not only help you others feel better, but it can make you feel better!
We hope you found this blog useful and take on some of the tips.